3 Years! A Tribute to Community + Spiritual Hope

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The last 8 months have been filled with change. The world as we know it - within our personal circles as well as the umbrella of our collective being - has been pummeled by storms and winds (and fires and viruses, among the conflicts of global proportions). One thing is sure - what a pivotal time on this journey we're sharing together...and how intimately we are all connected!

This is the beauty of community and why Estuary - an ecosystem in which life thrives in diversity - lives its name. When we come onto our mats, when we knowingly breathe in and out, when we practice exploring moving our bodies with curiosity and conscientiousness.. .we come together into a moment of intersecting paths and intentions. Differences fall away, and for a time, we are simply breathing, living beings, together. We have a chance to remember - or shift - our relationship with existence.

Estuary Yoga officially opened 3 years ago today.

To you, individually and as a community - its been such a privilege to share a sense of home and sanctuary with you.

To our teachers, who have been pillars in this journey - thank you for bringing the rare authenticity of who you are to the mat, and how you live your lives.

To those who have been with us since baby Estuary began its first steps: THANK YOU for supporting us, and each other.

Though we are not currently sharing physical space, let's keep showing up for ourselves, for one another, in any means possible. When challenge arises is the ultimate time for the practice of yoga; to remind us to open our hearts and focus our awareness... to make us teachable.

If you’re been feeling anxiousness recently (and who hasn’t to some degree?) - below is a beautiful podcast to inspire hope in a time of change or challenge. How can we, even in seemingly tiny gestures, continue to offer kindness within and around us?

We are really in this together :: let's keep journeying together.

Happy 3rd birthday Estuary Yoga family!


As the Melbourne lockdown continues, you can find our presence online via two Livestream classes per week, and freely available classes via our Practice Online page. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have suggestions or need support around your practice. We look forward to seeing you online, and reconnecting with you in person - hopefully soon!



Based on the concept of Bodhichitta (open-hearted awareness), Tara explores how we can shift from an egoic sense of hope towards a more foundational, restful way of trusting what is already within us.

Video or Audio version available.